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Forxiga (Dapagliflozin) belongs to the class of medications known as oral antihyperglycemic agents. It is used alone and in combination with other medications to control blood glucose for people with Type 2 Diabetes. Forxiga (Dapagliflozin) should be used as part of an overall diabetes management plan that includes a diet and exercise program. Forxiga (Dapagliflozin) works by increasing the a...More on Forxiga indication

Steglatro (Ertugliflozin) belongs to the class of medications known as oral antihyperglycemic agents. Specifically, it is in the sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. It is used alone and in combination with other medications for the control of blood glucose in people with Type 2 Diabetes.  Steglatro (Ertugliflozin) should be used as part of an overall diabetes m...More on Steglatro indication

Side Effects

Many medications can cause side effects. A side effect is an unwanted response to a medication when it is taken in normal doses. Side effects can be mild or severe, temporary or permanent. The side effects listed below are not experienced by everyone who takes Forxiga (Dapagliflozin). If you are concerned about side effects, discuss the risks and benefits of Forxiga (Dapagliflozin) with...More on Forxiga side effects

Many medications can cause side effects. A side effect is an unwanted response to a medication when it is taken in normal doses. Side effects can be mild or severe, temporary or permanent. The side effects listed below are not experienced by everyone who takes Steglatro (Ertugliflozin). If you are concerned about side effects, discuss the risks and benefits of Steglatro (Ertugliflozin) with your...More on Steglatro side effects


Do not use Forxiga (Dapagliflozin) if you: are allergic to Forxiga (Dapagliflozin) or any ingredients of Forxiga (Dapagliflozin) have severely reduced kidney function, end stage Kidney Disease, or are on dialysis have Type 1 Diabetes...More on Forxiga contraindications

Do not take this medication if you: are allergic to Steglatro (Ertugliflozin) or any ingredients of Steglatro (Ertugliflozin) have severely reduced kidney function, end stage Kidney Disease, or are receiving dialysis...More on Steglatro contraindications


There may be an interaction between Forxiga (Dapagliflozin) and any of the following: alpha lipoic acid androgens (e.g., testosterone) Aspirin (Asa) atypical antipsychotics (e.g., Clozapine, Olanzapine, Quetiapine, Risperidone) Buserelin Ceritinib chloroquine Dabrafenib Danazol other diabetes medications (e.g., chlorpropamide, Glyburide, insulin, Metformin, Rosiglitazone) Disopyramide...More on Forxiga precautions

There may be an interaction between Steglatro (Ertugliflozin) and any of the following: acetylsalicylic acid (Asa) atypical antipsychotics (e.g., Clozapine, Olanzapine, Quetiapine, Risperidone) blood pressure medications corticosteroids (e.g., Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, Prednisone) diabetes medications (e.g., chlorpropamide, Glyburide, Metformin, Rosiglita...More on Steglatro precautions


Before you begin using a medication, be sure to inform your doctor of any medical conditions or Allergies you may have, any medications you are taking, whether you are pregnant or breast-feeding, and any other significant facts about your health. These factors may affect how you should use Forxiga (Dapagliflozin). Cholesterol: Forxiga (Dapagliflozin) may cause increases in the levels of low-d...More on Forxiga warnings

Before you begin using a medication, be sure to inform your doctor of any medical conditions or Allergies you may have, any medications you are taking, whether you are pregnant or breast-feeding, and any other significant facts about your health. These factors may affect how you should use Steglatro (Ertugliflozin). Amputation: There may be an increased risk for lower leg or toe amputations i...More on Steglatro warnings

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